Well someone's never been in a room with 30 five year olds https://twitter.com/JenniferJJacobs/status/1280548761417191431
There are no easy answers here, but a few things would make opening schools better: frequent testing of students and staff. Hire more teachers for smaller classrooms and give teachers a gigantic hazard-pay raise.

The federal government isn't going to prioritize any of this
Every time I've ever been in a pre-K-3 grade room, those kids start literally grabbing me, crawling on me, holding my hand, asking for hugs, etc. Granted, I am very loveable & I do look a little bit like a giant baby, but I can hardly imagine this level of contact is exceptional.
But, OMG the question of schools is tough. Universities are hard enough, but K-12? It breaks my heart. Kids need that social stimulus. Parents need to be able to work. And that's just considering the most privileged families. Schools are a safety net for underprivileged kids.
I think we should be doing everything we can to try to get schools up and running. But not if it entails lots of people getting sick.

These are impossible choices we're faced w/ that would be mitigated by frequent testing, contact tracing, and isolation.
If they wanted so desperately to have schools open, they should have been planning in March how to make this happen safely. Smaller classrooms. More pay. Testing. Contact investigations. The answers are there.

The Trump admin didn't even try.
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