I'm not an Old White Straight Man. And I wasn't brought up on the right-side of the tracks. But I do not want to see Older Straight White Men (even if they are rich) hunted down for their immutable characteristics, or their achievements or successes.
I know that certain groups of people have privilege & that these privileges can compound over time.

But we will never eradicate this privilege by going after people merely for their skin colour or perceived success.
You get rid of unfair privileges in society by looking DEEPER.
Looking at a person's character & behaviour, not their clothes or their post-code, or god-forbid, their skin colour. Giving people the benefit of the doubt. Forgiving.
If it becomes acceptable to judge Old Straight White Men by their bank accounts, skin colour, & sexuality, then it becomes acceptable to judge us all by those superficial metrics. And that's not a world I want to live in.
Please let us go back to seeing the individuality behind the outward exterior. It was once celebrated in our culture(s). It can be again.

Please 🙏
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