In his Mount Rushmore speech, President Trump declared that people who disagree with him want to "destroy the very civilization that rescued billions from poverty, disease, violence, and hunger".

No, Mr. President. It's clear who's destroying the legacy of America's leadership.
It's the President who today withdrew the U.S. from the WHO, an organization dedicated to improving the health of people worldwide.

It's the President who eliminated the White House global pandemic response team and failed to protect Americans from the coronavirus.
How dare this President tout the greatness of what our civilization has accomplished when he's done everything in his power to reverse our progress?
Eliminating Poverty? This is the same President who passed a tax cut for the wealthiest corporations but says we can't afford premium pay for essential workers.

Eliminating Disease? This is the same President who's tried to cut funding for the CDC and NIH YEAR AFTER YEAR.
Eliminating Hunger? This is the same President who cut food assistance from half a million Americans DURING a pandemic.

Eliminating Violence? This is the same President who teargassed peaceful protestors outside the White House so that he could take a photo op.
This President's right about one thing - this country was at its best when it led the charge to eradicate poverty and disease, violence and hunger – here at home and around the world.

Now he's the one leading the charge to eradicate so much of what we're most proud of.
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