For years, we've heard the left talk about how there was a 'party switch' in the 60's.

All the racist Democrats became Republicans. And all the good Republicans became Democrats.

So, i decided to take a look at that.

And, well, I've come to the conclusion that it's bullshit
I started by looking at the 88th Congress, from 1963. In that Congress, the southern states were represented as follows:

House - 115 Dem
16 GOP

Senate - 24 Dem
89th Congress (1965):

House - 110 Dem
21 GOP

Senate - 24 Dem
90th Congress (1967)

House - 100 Dem
31 GOP

Senate - 24 Dem
So, I decided to jump ahead to the 96th Congress (1979) Surely the parties would have flipped in the South by then, right?

Um, no

House - 94 Dem
37 GOP

Senate - 19 Dem
1 Ind (he flipped from Dem to Ind)
OK, surely we see the party switch after the election Of Ronoldus Magnus, right?

Wrong again.

97th Congress (1981)

House - 86 Dem
45 GOP

Senate - 16 Dem
11 GOP
1 Ind (same one from 1979)
Now, I don't know about you, but I was absolutely SHOCKED at this. I was convinced that the southern states had flipped to GOP in the 60's.

I mean, that's what the left has told us for years.

Like I said, it's bullshit.
It was not until 1996, with the 104th Congress, that the GOP had a majority on Congress from the southern states.

And it was a SMALL majority

House - 69 Dem
79 GOP

Senate - 12 Dem
16 GOP

But it gets even more interesting
If you were to look back at the actual members of Congress from the southern states, you would see the same people getting elected for decades.

So, my question is, if there was a 'party switch', why were the Democrats running - and electing - the same racists year after year?
Well, that's simple.

And you all know the answer.

There was no party switch.

Let me give you an example.

Al Gore, Sr.

You all remember him, right?

Well, let me remind you about him.
Al Gore, Sr.

Husband. Father, Elected official.

And flaming racist.

he was first elected to the US House in 1938. And he served in the House from 1939 to 1953.

Now, he did not retire after that.

No, he moved on to bigger and better things.

The US Senate.
in 1953, the good people to TN elected this racist to the US Senate, where he served through 1971.

And do you know what he's probably best known for during his tenure in the Senate?

Voting against and filibustering the 1964 Civil rights act.
So, let's be honest. There was no party switch. This is just another lie from the left, trying to bury their racist history (and, to be honest, they are still racists. They are just nicer about it now. Good 'ole 'Bless your heart' racism).

it will never change
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