Do. Not. Tell. Me. This. POS. Isn't a racist, bigoted, xenophobic Piece. Of. Shit.

The bar in The National article IS anti SNP.. It's also racist as shit & no friend to any of us. This account actively claims ownership of The Caledonian in Forfar. With a letter to his bar here..
Martin Reid is here suggesting Nicola Sturgeon has her knee on Scotlands neck.. Using the method of George Floyd's death to get political.
Here Reid outright tells us all what a dick he is by being disgusted at ALL THE RACISMS he is being confronted with. Except he's not out. At all. Bc his twitter account is full of racism & hate. For everyone who *doesnt*look like Martin Reid
Here Reid is complaining to Google for apparently displaying support for BLM & really rubbing this bandwagony shit in his face
And for this last Screenshot I'll just leave you to come to your own judgements.

He's a racist POS. He also owns & runs the Caledonian in Forfar.

Don't @ me to argue to the contrary. If you don't like this thread, read the paper tomorrow. Then come back to me. Ta.
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