Like for a tbh
@samiajuras I feel like I know too much because Of your shower orange tiktok
@Anabellesmith23 tbh ur always wearing overalls in my head
@marzcap Please never change ur profile pic it is so good and I recognize it instantly
@zoe_korns TBH how do u put mascara on ur bottom lashes without getting it smudgy. Not fair >:0
@mayoaden TBH sometimes if i see u liked a tweet I will like it too
@HamrockLuke TBH the $1.50 giveaway that you won was rigged
@milkamis tbh How did I just now see your percy jackson tweet
@matt_torpey TBH i’m really looking forward to your wedding thanks for the invite 💯
@Jordan18parrish Tbh just watched the casey frey video in your pinned tweet for the 100000th time
@JennyMo1999 The emojis by your name brighten my twitter feed
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