Under this I'm going to post YUMMY meat alternatives! https://twitter.com/jaynemendy/status/1280154309729169412
BROOOOOO THESE ARE SOOO GOOD! they fr fr taste like regular corn dogs. Lowkey ate them all in two days 😂💀
Worried about protein? IT AINT NO PROBLEM! these have 16g per three meatballs. SO GOOD. Omg ladies and gents let me PUT YOU ON
YES! 3/4 cup is 18g of protein! With these alternatives I get st least 120-130g of protein everyday. THESE ARE SO GOOD WITH QUESADILLAS! I add 1/4 cup of this and then I put some fat-free mozzarella cheese and also some jalepenos! Dip it in sour cream and it smackssss.
These are so good for the morning when you're on the go! I love love these.
THESE ARE AN ADDICTION! but like in a good way because they provide a lot of protein but also so good. I lowkey dip them in Valentina sauce.
YOOOO these SMACKKKKKKK. they are quick to make and a good lunch option!
Don't want to give up burgers? That's okay, try these and you'll feel like you never switched up. I like them with avocado :)
These are my top favorites! I typically eat a vegetarian diet when I'm at school and let myself eat meat when I go visit my family. They eat so much meat and all my mom makes has meat. You already know with all them tacos and tamales.
I decided to eat like a vegetarian for the most part while I'm at school because I drive a lot to go visit family and also because I wanted to test myself and see if I could do it. You can too! Even if you don't eat meat for a day, it can make a difference!!
If you have any other ideas please put them on this thread, I want you guys to know these aren't expensive and quite honestly cheaper than regular meat. If you try any of them, lmk! I want to know what you think! MorningStar and Gardein are my fav brands for meat alternatives!!
Please RT to spread the word đŸ„ș this planet is in serious danger and if you don't change our lifestyles soon, we risk permanent damage 😭😞
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