// I decided that since everyone on the TL is realizing it, and because I know you will read it since you’ve been watching my account on your OC despite blocking me. I will give you a thread of your issues so that maybe you have the realization of the toxicity ....
you have inflicted on others.

To begin: Rules are okay to have. Truly they are. Especially if there are situations to warrant them. However, being unwilling to be flexible, understanding, or even just more clear about them will ostracize you. Don’t act surprised
that people don’t want to interact when your rules are so suffocating to SEVERAL of the muses in the verse (murder and crime is a regular occurence, especially when your character is ON THE BAD SIDE).

Secondly, I don’t think soft blocking is the great punishment you
think it is. People will not stop being who they are just to keep themselves in your good graces. Your expectations for others are astronomical, while the ones for yourself are minimal. Its okay to have insecurities, but to unload them on someone with the intent
to garner sympathy and validation, that crosses the boundaries of supportive moots into attention seeking behavior.

Thirdly, I’ve called this out before, but subtweeting? That is one of the kattiest things someone can do to someone. I am not naming you by name here
because you know who you are and this thread is for YOU. No one else. I’m not trying to start an attack campaign this is for YOU to realize the anguish that you have driven. Just the act of subtweeting harsh things about someone is inherently toxic, which you claim is
something you hate and something you suffered in your past. You can’t have it both ways.

Fourth: I know you have spoken about multiple people behind their backs in dms, and I know that because you’ve done it TOO ME and ABOUT me. That is what caused me to block you finally
when my lovely friend dmed me the fact you were complaining about my lack of reply when I work 40 hour weeks, am a full time student, and also have familal problems THAT YOU KNOW ABOUT. Shit talking behind peoples backs is unbelievablely toxic.
But lets more from conduct onto writing. You want to write in dms, thats fine, but then you reply and then start bombarding people with messages when you see them active on the TL. And upon doing that you clog up the dms and then expect the person to delete
all those messages to get back to the roleplay. Its so unbelievably tedious and unnecessary. I could continue on further however these are the things I think are worthy of pointing out on mutual/friendship breaking status. I hope you see this and maybe realize not everyone
is toxic just for the sake of being toxic. Maybe its you.
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