Ok the ableism is out in full force because of some claims made by Mary Trump.

Apparently she argues Trump is the way he is, at least in part, due to an "undiagnosed learning disability" or a personality disorder.

I want to talk about why that's some bullshit reasoning.
There's one critical piece of information you need when explaining Trump's current state and behavior.

He was raised under the explicit philosophy that there are victims and killers in this world and that one should always strive to be a killer, by any means necessary.
I'm not exaggerating. That was literally how he was taught to be. Now map what you think a killer looks like to a wealthy cis het white man.

It's patriarchy.
It's white supremacy.
It's pretty much every oppressive facet of our current society.

Which is what we're observing.
Back to the alleged learning disability/personality disorder.

How many people with learning disabilities or personality disorders become someone like Trump, do you think?

Now tell me how many people socialized as Trump was turn out like him.

Which is more likely?
Liberals would prefer this to be an innate disability or personality flaw. That way, they don't have to do anything about it or question their relationship to it.
They don't want to think about how the society THEY believe in made someone like Trump and his success an inevitability.

They desperately need this to be a fluke in order to preserve their world view.

And they're throwing disabled people under the bus (again) to do it.
What liberal means for the purpose of this thread:

The block of progressives that believe our justice, government, and economic systems are fundamentally good enough - and that our current problems are cause by outside corruption from a few bad actors.
It's why think electing Biden will fix this.

It's why they think Trump is a fluke.

It's why they place a lot of blame on Russian bots.

Anything to avoid questioning the roots, which they happen to benefit from.
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