There is a ton of outrage from white girls about an Instagram post that is essentially calling out white girls that OVERUSE fake tan. Here is where I get ~personal~
When I was younger I was incredibly tan. I’m Hispanic, it is what it is. When I was around 12 or 13 my own grandmother told me to stop going in the sun, that pale skin was beautiful. Essentially saying, that my skin tone wasn’t.
Obviously at that young age I was so insecure and took everything to heart, (now I’d tell her to fuck off). I stopped going outside and let myself get extremely pale, I stopped looking like myself.
The reason why it hurts so much when these “white girls” overuse fake tan, at least for me, is why does my skin tone look beautiful on you, but not on me?
There is no problem with tanning, believe me I get. When I’m tan I feel myself, I feel beautiful. It’s when you become a different ethnicity or RACE when that becomes a problem.
When I come back from cold ass winters in New York my grandmother always makes a comment about how beautifully pale of become. I get that it’s not anyone’s fault that she says this, but she’s not alone in this thought.
But my pain about this pales(pun intended) in comparison to what a black women must feel.
Why do white women get to feel beautiful in “their tan” but black and brown women don’t?
Also this isn’t me trying to get sympathy or speak for everyone. This is just how I feel
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