why xu minghao is one of the best dancers in the industry ; a thread
if you don’t really know how the dance world works, basically, when you start off, you start with usually one style of dance. most people start off with ballet, and they train in that one dance style for most of their career. you train in that style and you eventually get
very use to that one style. so because you are so use to that one style you started with, it is INCREDIBLY HARD for dancers to master a COMPLETELY different dance style. however, minghao perfectly executes two of the most contrasting styles in the dance world.
so to start off, let’s start with the dance style minghao is most known for, bboying. now, if you watch this video of minghao before he even moved to korea, you can see how crazy good minghao already is with bboying at such a young age. he already mastered so much intricate +
floor work, and in his second freestyle, he lbended his body for that insane freeze. since minghao is already experienced in martial arts, this is just a breeze to him, while for many, it takes YEARS to get to where he is now. he is insane for this.
like he pulled THAT SHIT after a whole like two and half over concert ???? he is literally INSANE for his stamina. i’ve been to plenty competitions where the kids get such prestigious awards but not a single one of them can compare to the insane bboying skills that minghao has.
however, when you specialize in hiphop, it is a very strong and powerful type of dance style, meaning you are use to be on the floor and using muscles that help you with that. so, it is VERY hard for a hiphop dancer to master a dancing style that is graceful and is more focused-
on being more emotional and delicate. but to no one’s surprise, xu minghao STILL PERFECTS the dance style of contemporary. all of his works are the most beautiful things i have ever seen. minghao isn’t afraid to show vulnerability and raw emotions.
he even managed to incorporate bboying flips into a contemporary piece and managed to make it look like the most delicate thing i have ever seen. he has total control of his body, using suspension and releasing to give a dramatic effect in the piece.
he can go from hiphop bboying with a more relaxed and upbeat type of style to a serious emotionally driven yet delicate and beautiful dance style. people work their WHOLE LIVES to get to THIS point of skill. yet minghao is 22 and perfects it.
with all of minghao’s covers and works, you can tell he isn’t just a dancer, but an artist. he is creating art and stories with his covers and his solo, separating him from most of the “dancers” in the industry. he is more than just a fashionable guy, he is a dancing powerhouse.
like im sorry but your favs do not move like this. they cannot pop like this. they cannot have some completely control over the flow of their bodies like this. minghao is just a dancing god and so many people fail to see that and it’s sad
we literally call people like him “extreme dancers” because they are so powerful and extreme with their skills of being able to do multiple dance styles. the industry thirsts over people like him, because he can do anything you want whenever wherever.
in conclusion, minghao is the one of the best of the best dancers, for he is such a versatile dancer. he isn’t just a guy with a mullet, he is svt’s dancing machine. now get falling down to one million and stream all of his beautiful covers.
help i made so many grammar and spelling mistakes i apologize omg
i really didn’t expect this to get this much attention, but hi um all i have to say is sign petitions, raise awareness about problems in the world, be kind, and stream minghao’s work.
and ig follow me 🙄🙄🙄
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