I’m not a astrologer but this is just my analysis. With the solar eclipse being in Cancer and the Lunar eclipse being a full moon in Capricorn during Cancer season, all that shit points to authority issues, daddy issues, mother issues and falling outs with family, possible- https://twitter.com/_babyyodalover/status/1280627308395716610
evictions, or getting new homes. Cancer originally rules the 4th house. Also Cancer and the moon can represent mother in birth chart. 4th house might even represent close friends who you consider to be like family. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and Saturn represents-
authority and father. Saturn and Capricorn rules the 10th house of careers and public image. Also Saturn is retrograded in Saturn right now.And lastly you have the mars in Aries transit. Aries and mars rules the first house which deals with how you appear to the world and how-
you appear to the world and how you navigate through it. Aries in general can deal with survival and just worrying about yourself and self preservation. Now as we all know for the most part eclipse energy is intense and sort of traditional or stereotypically involves some type-
of transformation or revelation, change, awakening, like the major arcana Tower which represent the planet Mars. And the sun is in Cancer and Cancer is like the divine feminine energy. But it’s energies was covered and blocked so that masculine Capricorn moon sort of took over-
the scene. So during the time of the eclipse people might have felt overwhelmed by dominate masculine figures in their life. Also at this time for at least as long as the Sun is Cancer, I feel as though a lot of issues involving everything I just said, family, close friends,-
evictions, new homes, tension with father/mother, will be rising to the surface and being addressed right now. I expect more conflicts to potentially arise when the moon moves into Aries on July the 11th and July the 12th. Some of y’all might confront or be confronted by the-
the list of things I just said. And when the moon goes into Cancer July the 18th and July the 19th I feel as though things might have settled down by now as that divine femine, nurturing energy hits the scene. Now finally to get better info on how these planets and transits-
affect you specifically you need to see which house Capricorn, Aries, and Cancer are in your chart. And pay attention to how the transits affect you personally.
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