I know most people perceive Mormons as a joke and harmless but as someone who grew up in the cult and spent a year in Utah I have to say something. Mormons are very dangerous. They use their religion to justify their racist and mysoginist actions. They r the modern day colonizers
You know how we are tearing down all these statues of white men who came and ruined native peoples land and way of life? Well, Mormons are doing that today, right now as we speak. They specifically target poor countries and use guilt and persuasion to "convert" people
Everyone knows that Utah is filled with Mormons but not a lot of people know why. Well, the pioneers of Mormonism left the east coast because their polygamism was frowned upon. So they found utah, killed all the Indians and turned the land of Utah into a militia state.
It's sad, but I just hope people start to realize how poisonous this religion is not only to our country but to our world as whole. It's insane how fucked up some of utahs state laws are all because they are run by a modernized cult...
Damn I really pissed some Mormons off 😂😂 and I didn't even mention their homophobia, pedophilia, terrible way they deal with mental health.. etc. This is just tip of the iceberg.. Isn't it crazy Utah has one of highest suicide rates per capital? I wonder why..
Per capita* đŸ€ŠđŸŒâ€â™‚ïž
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