I never thought that a post I made in response to a horrible take from a "fan" would lead me down a dark rabbit hole, yet here I am. After two days of replies, and DMs from people detailing their awful experineces with her, I feel like it's now time for me to tell the truth...
... about someone who everyone knows, and only a few get along with.

The person who I am on about, of course, is Juniper (aka YaGirlJuniper).

Something I will note here is that I don't intend to start a hate mob against her, I just want people to be aware of who she really is.
A good place to start here is with the manipulation, Juni is well known by her former (and some current) followers for being manipulative. She often brushes away criticism by making YOU look like the bad guy, gaslighting people into seeing her as an innocent victim.
A very good recent example here has been her response to being called out on calling ZUN an alcoholic. Here we see her trying to make people with legitimate criticism look bad, so she can justify her position:
But this manipulation goes further than just petty drama, as someone, who wishes to remain anonymous, told of a recent example where she bullied them into taking down an innocent tweet of theirs. The tweet in question was genuinely innocent in nature, but Juni decided...
... to fill their DMs, and make this person feel bad, this ultimately led to them deleting the tweet in question.

But, this is not an isolated incident, as yet another person (who wishes to remain anonymous) got accused of "sub tweeting" her, in which she once again...
... filled this persons DMs and tried to accuse them of being bigoted with no real evidence. This has actually ended up with Juni telling her group that this person is transphobic, and they ate it up and still beleive it to this day.
In terms of how she is to her friends, well even I have seen that she tries to bully them or manipulate them into doing what she wants, she often pulls the "but X people bullied me and make me feel unwelcome in the fandom" card.
As something that doesn't come as a suprise to anyone, Juni has extreme double standards. But, the biggest extreme has to be with her relationship with NSFW Touhou content...
Juni is notorious for her apprent distain of touhou NSFW, she has commented on how much she doesn't like the people who consume it, and has also ragged on a few NSFW artists herself. Except, there's many examples of her enjoying NSFW works, take this recent one:
Whilst this is funny, considering how outspoken against NSFW art she is (see SS below), it's certainly a tad worrying about how trustworthy she is. Now take into consideration, her hate for lolicon, or, judging from her past, a lack thereof...
but, here we see her reposting some suggestive loli art on her tumblr page (VERY MUCH NSFW WARNING). I should note that the person who gave me these screenshots also recounted a time where she posted some hardcore loli, but they couldn't find the post (and honestly, to my relief)
SIDE NOTE: Juni also had a few year period back in 2016 where she used to repost NSFW, and loli, to danbooru:

(also in Juni fasion, the comments got deleted as soon as attention was brought to them, the contents of them, we will never know).
MAIN THREAD: I feel like I should mention, that in no capacity am I trying to validate any rumors of her being a groomer. The ins and outs of these allegations are complex, and honestly, the evidence is pretty weak...
... whilst her behaviour is reminissant of that of groomers that I've dealt with before, the hard evidence for these claims just doesn't exist (though if hard evidence comes out, I will let you guys know). I also want you guys to bare this in mind for the next part.
It's no secret that Juni spends most of her time around minors, she has even admitted this before:
But, for someone who is as toxic as she is, and as much of a drama magnet that she is, you can see why this is both something of note, and also of deep concern. It is not right for a 33 year old to confide in teenagers that she has no relation to.
A final thing of note is her more incel like behaviour, she fetishises lesibans and has a huge problem with bisexuals, gay men, straight people and cisgendered people. Though this is meerly a footnote that explains some of her behaviour.
So to close this off (because I'm an idiot who pressed send instead of the (+)), what is my take on this, given the information I know and some that I have provided here. Well my take is just to block this person, make them lose their relevancy, that is punishment enough.
tl;dr: Juni is someone to be avoided at all costs, if you want your life to not be a constant barrage of drama
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