Hey, agents & managers: It's cool that you've decided to up the diversity in your rosters. Thank you for that. However, please do not tell your white clients or potential clients that you love them but can't work with them because you're only "hiring diverse right now". (1/)
a)We are not your scapegoat. Do not blame us now for your lack of awareness/action in the past. b)It does not help us, in any way, when you tell our white peers that we are to blame for them not getting work.Tell them they need to work harder or be better.Tell them the truth.(2/)
c)You saying this implies that you're ONLY representing us because we are bipoc & not because we've busted our asses to get to where we are & we deserve it. We do not exist as people to help you meet your quota. Do not represent us if you do not understand and support us. (3/)
d) If you're trying to balance your roster, try to do it without this blatantly two-faced and harmful virtue signaling that only continues to otherize and delegitimize us. e)Educate yourselves. Thank you. (4/4)
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