The Harpers letter going around is gross, but it also represents something interesting:

Consensus about justice and progress is changing. This change is leaving some people with their asses hanging out because they built their power base according to an obsolete consensus.
In other words:

People are mad they have to evolve.

Their feelings are whatever. What’s important is how that discomfort points to the sea change under way. It takes serious weight to cause this much discomfort among those with power.
But what’s the consensus, exactly?

It’s the question of whose necks are acceptable to step on, and how hard.

Previous generations showed so much contempt for certain identities. The business with JKR, in particular, shows how she’s out of step with her audience on trans issues.
It’s so simple:

A growing chorus of people demands we treat the marginalized and powerless with greater respect.

And many of the powerful are deeply uncomfortable with these demands.
But it doesn’t have to be this hard!

Compare and contrast Scarlett Johansson ignoring the outcry about her casting

vs Halle Berry listening to the trans community and stepping back in response to their unmet needs for representation.

All you have to do is listen.
So the whole thing comes down to powerful people enraged at a growing responsibility to listen, instead of doing whatever the fuck they want.

Like I said, I’m not too concerned about the discomfort. But it’s important to look at what’s happening in the systems that create it.
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