I'll take the hit and watch this with time stamps 🤨

1:15 he says he's a public enemy and people are "lying about you (him) 24/7" 1/ https://twitter.com/2damntrans/status/1280509716934901762
1:57 he claims "if you're jkr they'll try and get glaad to have a meeting with you" and this is harassment somehow. not sure if this even happened re glaad but am unsure how a well established org like glaad meeting jkr is 'harassment' but okay 2/
2:17 - interviewer "do you think there's more of an angst toward you as you've been seen as one of the more traditional heroic lefties of the 90s..."

[both Graham and I burst out laughing. I suspect for different reasons] 3/
Interviewer (validly) points out how he has pointed out hypocrisy in Irish culture via his comedy in the past and how it may have been seen as a betrayal (Dermot Morgan was a satirist who was pretty critical of religion).

Graham: (penny drops, rolls away) eh, maybe. 4/
2:50 he claims he "used to identify as left wing"& starts talking about how Trump "put him in a tailspin, had to go on anti anxiety medication around the time Trump won. Still somehow connects it to I don't even know what. 5/
There's back & forth about how he somehow managed to singlehandedly bring about gay marriage in Ireland which is wild then around 5 mins he talks about the 'fave police'

Around 6 mins he admits he regrets it in that he should have thought about the cost to his family 6/
At 6:35 he says "i was on morphine & I thought what am I so scared of?"

I have been in hospital on a shit load of morphine Graham and idk I mostly just sat glued to the bed thinking wow this is the most amazing border I've ever seen, gonna get me one of them 7/
7 mins he is asked if he still reads negative replies cuz he says he was getting things like "the cancer should have won"

he denies reading negative tweets about him

hello graham i know you're reading this thread 8/
8 mins: "my twitter experience is quite nice"

shame no one else's was when they were in your spotlight, prick 9/
10 mins in the I Am The Male Rosa Parks and What Would You Do If You Met Baby Hitler shit is back out

"you think about the people who used to travel down the South registering black voters and the guts it took to do that"

Graham babes you call people groomers on twitter x

He's mostly talking about Father Ted and Catholicism 11/
30:00 so they start arguing over whether Father Jack is a paedo or not & one of them (I wasn't really paying attention, I went to feed my cats) starts debating "well, it's more teenage girls" 12/
because if your 14yo daughter is being spoken to inappropriately by a real life dirty old man your first thought, if you say "fuck off you dirty paedo!" is to have someone say "no. wait. that man... is a pedarist"

exCUSE me 13/

31:30 he's asked about Dankula & the interviewer says "come on man he's taking the piss, his dog putting the arm out"

GL: he's written a joke that's so bad the police have arrested him... he had a kick-starter going & I moaned about that 14/
Interviewer: whyd you do that?
GL: because I thought he was a, uh, a Nazi
I: but he was just a Scottish dude having a laugh with a camera that went too far
GL: he was putting videos on Stormfront and
I: it was a little pug putting its arm out 15/
Interviewer then goes in to start saying "but you brought Nazis and fascism into your humour" before saying its gotten 'sick and disturbing' 16/
There's a brief discussion of the full on anti semitic shit that I'm not reprinting for obvious reasons which both parties acknowledge before GL then goes on to say "i feel bad I tried to sabotage his fundraiser" 17/
34 mins: "i have came to realise over the last two years that a lot of the people I aligned with at that time are... Arseholes (laughs). It's this positioning... Its this way of arguing that's lol kys, lol delete your acct and I used to be like that" 18/
GL: "I signed up to an... Anti Nazi, anti GG blocklist. It's ran by (names party). I'm not sure if x is a woman, it might be a guy identifying as a woman. I thought it would help me. But I realised later on... I think she put feminists on there as well!" 19/
GL: "i think she put a LOAD of feminists on there - called TERFS! - without telling anyone. Cuz I find all the time I've blocked feminists and I've no idea why I'd have done that. It's very suspicious to me that would have happened." 20/
36:00 "theres a law firm called Dentons who are trying to change the law so that a child can transition without their parents knowing. They were giving advice on how to do it! Activists in Ireland had great success tying it to gay marriage" 21/
I: do you believe in any sort of sex change?
GL: *stammering* Ill give my position as clearly as I can (spoiler he doesn't). I believe gender dysphoria is a real thing. I believe that some people suffer from it so badly they need to present as the opposite sex. Um.. 22/
Basically they just go on some weird transphobic circle jerk for about 5 mins at least

He goes on about "cutting off healthy body parts" again & bemoans how he has to "be careful what he says" because it "always becomes a major news story" 23/
Oh ffs they're now off about Caroline Flack and Love Island at 39:40 and neither of these two bellends have a grasp of it but in fairness to GL for once he openly admits he has no idea what the fuck he's on about so he's just silent 24/
Nope spoke too soon he's off talking about dysphoria again within seconds

Like have you never stopped to think being a teenager is shit whether you don't fit on or are a 'love island' type of future girl? Being a teen is just shit welcome to the world 25/
They don't understand how algorithms work though cuz at 40:00 they think youtube videos are recommended to teens. My twitter is pretty gay but my YouTube isn't recommending me trans videos CUZ IT ISN'T SOMETHING I TEND TO WATCH, LEARN HOW ALGORITHMS WORK 26/
They don't understand how 'suicide stats are higher than ever'

have you seen the cuts to mental health in this country? Have you seen waiting lists to get access to therapy? Have you seen tuition fees? The rent market? The job market? I'd be miserable af if I were 18, sorry. 27/
You treat YAs like they're fucking stupid like this is the only problem they'd have in their lives meanwhile even the ones impacted by it are STILL trying to figure out how they're trying to survive in a world that feels increasingly more tight & narrow. Jfc open your eyes. 28/
41:40 his obsession with his twitter is pretty obvious, the suggestion to him to go do something other than twitter like write a sitcom is rubbished. He basically infers shit posts on twitter are more deluded than the idea of a sky daddy 29/
much as I am all for burning tumblr to the ground, the thought that effectively meme culture is weirder than religion, which has seen societies happily create laws around them & even execute citizens whilst people think its a good thing cuz they have appeased god, is 🤡 30/
He is off about bloody Stonewall and Alex Drummond now.

Interviewer at 43:25 though: you have trans friends?
GL: yeah
Interviewer: genuinely?
GL: and they're okay with your stance?
GL: yeah

45:30 it's the autistic kids who all transition apparently

46:23 he goes off about Stephanie Hayden who now apparently was a singer in the 80s, how very fancy 32/
48:20 "were you happier before you started getting involved in all of this?"

GL: yeah of course
55:10 he's off about Jon Ronson now who wants to "be invited ro literary parties in NYC"

Had a sitcom masterclass cancelled in Australia and a play cancelled I presume in the UK
Claimed he was 'ambushed' on newsnight and refers to his referring to Nazism as "using the n word" 35/
At the 1hr mark he complains about the Newsnight interviewer changing the topic when he was talking about 35 psychologists leaving in 2 years.

This interviewer: yeah. So do you consider yourself a Brit now or do you connect with us back home? 36/
lmao even after this interviewer has been really favourable about his influence in Ireland, he is asked "you know Sinn Fein are on the rise?"
GL: yeah they're on board with that gender hippy stuff I can't be bothered with that

Said he was 'cancelled' in Ireland before 37/
He starts suggesting that it was to do with the abortion referendum then goes on to rant about Amnesty.

He's now on about women's sports

1 hour 6 mins

interviewer on both counts

Apparently women have been oppressed even 'since we were monkeys'

"there is the underlying notion... between men and women that even though you'll never whip your fist out, if I want to, I can fucking break your jaw" 39/
GL doesn't challenge this despite the fact it made me actually wake up & go WHAT THE FUCK, he's just ranting for the last few mins about liberal feminism & intersectionality 40/
After listening to these two men laughing at women's issues whilst thinking they have all the solutions I have changed my opinion on one thing only: I now hate all men. That's it. Have became a fully fledged man hater now thanks to these two pricks 42/42
Addendum: I've actually got this thread muted because I'm v much on the page that he should just be resigned to history, however I did see people ask for timestamps of this so they didn't have to listen. So this thread is here if you want it but I get why people want him binned
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