I think one of the problems with discourse about "cancel culture" is that phrase encompasses so much that people are often talking about different things.
Internet pile-ons are a real thing, especially on non-public figures, or with stories that aren't the whole truth. That's bad. But holding powerful people accountable for shitty opinions and actions is — bear with me — not bad.
There's not really a valve control with public shaming. It's kind of a binary and when the floodgates open, it's open season. It would be nice if the internet was a place for nuanced discussion (it's not). But someone like JK Rowling is like the most powerful person ever...
And it wasn't a misstep or a mistake. She's actively spreading harmful information! And she's a billionaire celebrity! So like, *THAT* is not the hill to die on your conversation about wanting more nuance in online shaming!!!!
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