For minors: signs you’re getting groomed on the Internet.

A thread.
1)You’re far too significantly young to be speaking to them.

It’s more understandable to be 13 and speaking to a 17-19 year old on Twitter, but sometimes the line gets drawn when you’re engaging with someone 21+ (ages vary depending on person, but 21+ is highly inappropriate).
2) They shower you in compliments that are way too inappropriate for someone underage.

Calling you “cute” is a hit or miss, but when it’s a repetitive action, then it’s considered disgusting and creepy. “Hot” and “sexy” is DEFINITELY A BAD THING.
3) They ask for your attention 24/7.

Adults should know to limit the amount of discussion they have with children on the internet. Feverishly begging for conversation from a child online suggests you think too highly of the minor and it must stop.
4) They show possessive/jealous characteristics over you.

Almost as if you’re not allowed to be speaking to others.
5) They speak of sexual things with you despite the level of comfort.

Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should an adult be even THINKING about sex when talking to a child!
6) Theyre manipulative over you.

If they pull your strings and make you think they’re wise, high and mighty and your only way to success is through them, they’re grooming you. They know what they’re doing.
Please feel free to add more if you see it fit!
I also want to point out: if you have ANY CONCERNS or think you or someone you care about may be in danger of being groomed please do not hesitate to DM me.
I stated earlier in this thread (now a deleted tweet), that 13 year olds are *more* understandable with 17-19 year olds.
Especially in comparison to 13 y/o talking to a 21 y/o.

I meant strictly as friends. No romance at all. I’m not saying it’s OKAY but it’s less harmful.
Imagine trying to cancel me for defending my friend from getting sexualized and bullied by adults. You guys are freaks ngl.
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