Ok. Here’s how I see the Amy Cooper situation going, if I had to guess & *why her prosecution solves little to nothing re: racial injustice.* Read the whole thread before you get mad at me! (1/x)
1. She hires an attorney. Ppl get pissed that she is white women who likely has access to money that most ppl in criminal court don’t have. What doesn’t this solve? The fact that prosecutors overwhelmingly prosecute black and brown people and poor people.
2. She pleads not guilty and everyone’s mad because it’s on video. What doesn’t this solve? The public’s inability to commit themselves to the reality that everyone is innocent until proven guilty by the govt. and guess who suffers the most? You guessed it. Black and brown ppl.
3. She pleads guilty and probably gets probation. And everyone’s mad that she didn’t get jail and they hate the judge who sentenced her for forever. What doesn’t this solve? Harsh punishments towards ppl of color. When judges feel pressure from the ppl who elect them they get...
3 (cont). ..more conservative. Who gets hurt? The vast majority of ppl in criminal court. Black and brown ppl. Poor ppl. What also happens? Ppl start saying probation is a light punishment when probation actually sucks is a total violation of freedom and we should do LESS of it.
So what do we really get? Some ppl feel satisfied. They feel like someone got a taste of their own medicine and justice was served. It’s dangerous to think that the same criminal punishment system that has incarcerated generations of black men,
,that has allowed brown mothers to give birth in chains & takes their babies away from them, that cages children will ever be able to serve justice. It wasn’t built to be just. And we aren’t going to be a more just society by using it.
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