100 great islamic figures that changed history’s course 《 thread 》


- this thread is going to be based on the names mentioned in a book called مائة من عظماء أمة الإسلام غيروا مجرى التاريخ by jihad Al- tabarani
However I’ll be summarising things and adding information that aren’t mentioned in the book so to call it a translation would be unfair to the author
the author starts by saying that he won’t mention the names of the prophets alongside average people out of respect for them since they cannot be compared to them in any way

Each day I’ll be updating this thread with another great figure.

1- ⚜️ Abu Bakr as sidique ⚜️( his nickname) his real name is Abdullah Ibn uthman
He was the first man in history to believe in the message of the prophet ﷺ
he is the best of people after the prophets since he will be the 1st to enter Paradise after them. He’s the first man to be carrying the banner of tawheed that the prophets left
to illuminate the darkness of this dunya from the east to the west.

he is the father of Aishah رضي الله عنها، the wife of the prophet ﷺ and the mother of the believers. he is the first caliph to rule the Muslim state.
He was from the people that were the best even before The islam came. he was from the 10 that were responsible for the affairs in Mecca during the time of jahilliyah (pre Islam)
Truth is, no words can do the greatness of this man justice so this is just to give you a general idea of how great he was
Most people in the past would go astray after their prophet died just like the people of Musa, isa and ibraheem عليهم السلام
However, since the prophet Muhammad ﷺ was the last prophet and there would be no messengers to come after him,
it was crucial for its message to keep on living after his death. Abu Bakr played a key role in spreading that message and preventing it from getting lost.
Abdullah b. Mas'ud reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying:
If I were to choose a bosom friend I would have definitely chosen Abu Bakr as my bosom friend, but he is my brother and my companion and Allah, the Exalted and Gliorious. has taken your brother and companion
(meaning Prophet himself) as a friend.

Sahih Muslim 2383
Some facts about Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه :
* he was the father in law of the prophet ﷺ
* He was the neighbor of the prophet ﷺ
* The prophet ﷺ is the one that gave him the title of “siddiq” and “atiq” ( the truthful and the ancient, the noble)
* The land of masjid an nabawi was purchased by the money of Abu Bakr
* He was born on 27 October 573 and died on 22 august 634 (aged 61)
* He has had a massive impact on the muslim ummah despite his reign only lasting 2 years, 2 months and 14 days
* He had 6 children; 3 sons and 3 daughters
* He has the honour to be buried right next to the prophet ﷺ
* He cried tears of joy when he was given permission to accompany the prophet during his pilgrimage from makkah to medinah which an event from is mentioned in the Quran
* Omar رضي الله عنه used to say; “you have made it very hard for those who come after you” whenever a virtue of Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه was mentioned because of his greatness and excellence in all things.
* He surpassed everyone in modesty, in salaah and in Qira’at al Quran. He surpassed everyone in everything
* He was the first man to accept the message of Islam and the very next day was already working on da’wah. He brought mountains of people to the prophet ﷺ including some of the greatest companions like ubaidallah Ibn al jarrah,
sa’d Ibn al waqqas, az zubair Ibn al ‘awam and talhah Ibn ‘ubaidullah
Although he was the greatest amongst the companions, he was not the only one to uphold a righteous and honourable character and so we should all hope to strive upon their path; we should hope to love the deen as they did and practise their virtues within our own lives
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