Terry was the victim from jump. Her family used & abused her financially. Her sister fucked her boyfriend & went on to marry & have kids with him. After she house the hobo, her cousin fucked her husband.. IN HER HOUSE. AND she lost her mama & was expected to cover all the costs https://twitter.com/courtneehendrix/status/1280494011707523073
*housed the hobo
The “worst” thing Terry did was call in big cuz to come whoop Lem’s ass but that was cause from her perspective he put hands on her little sister soooooOoooOoo..? Can we.. REALLY blame her? & she fixed it & got dude out of jail afterwards.
If anybody in this entire equation had the right to be angry & maybe even slice a bitch or two (or three) it was Terry. Terry was dealing with the plight of being the oldest to a family that refused to stop fucking over her at every turn & expecting her to just deal with it
At least Big Mama chose to eat that damn chicken knowing it was bad for her. Terry didn’t ask for her family to keep fucking every dude she brought around or to be used as a walking ATM 😭
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