I think one of the biggest lies that gets told to young women in the performing arts is that men are indispensable because there are “so few of them” and as a girl you should always be grateful to be given any opportunity because you are replaceable.
You know why I’ve seen more progress at school from more female colleagues of mine than male in regards to acting? Women HAVE TO. If we aren’t reinventing ourselves or “showing progress” (cough pleasing the professors) WE’LL NOT BE CAST
So when one of your male colleagues talks bullshit about a female colleague “falsely reporting another male student” STFU! As if women want to give teachers another reason to put a target on their backs Disclosing often leads to being labeled difficult or not being a team player
I love some of my male colleagues, don’t get it twisted, but the way some of you are able to JOKE around or CRITICIZE your directors during rehearsals is something you need to realize is privilege.
Also it goes unsaid that as a girl you know you only get one leading role in your four years, you’re an exception if you get more than one. Men get to have more experience being in leading roles because old school theatre (which colleges perform) is written for MEN.
And if I’m frustrated and I have the privilege of being a white woman..imagine how it would feel to be a black woman? Or any other race that isn’t white? Or non-binary? Or transgender?
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