for the sake of asserting us (all of us survivors that kotaku has hurt in the past), here are some thoughts... PLEASE read them:

we are human.
our agency, humanity, integrity, safety, and truth mattered.
we didn't deserve to be drug out for the sake of spectacle...

(thread 1/?)
when you share our abusers, whether it's a person or an outlet like kotaku, you are both empowering them to do harm in the future and acknowledging that they are somehow "necessary". you "need" the abuser.
you are allowing them to ignore and move on from the harm they have caused
for example: my employers said that about my rapist. they needed his music and fame to bring attention to the game. that's why i was thrown under the bus in interest of keeping him. that's why he was allowed to hurt others after me. because of that logic, so look at this again...
look at the abusers in this industry. everyone thinks that the rapists, predators, etc... here are necessary so nobody does anything about them.
somehow they are redeemable. somehow they are worth more effort than keeping the people they have harmed.
they are NOT necessary. we are. the people hurt, the lost potential, the lost truths are what mattered more than maintaining or using the abuser's place here.

please consider to what extent kotaku has harmed sexual assault survivors before you retweet them with a "job well done"
to those sexual assault survivors that where drug out, who's trauma was put on public display, and who's stories where so abused: kotaku is also an abuser.

they are part of the systemic problem here.
you cannot use an abuser to fight abuse, esp if accountability didn't happen
they benefited from the harm they have caused.
they got clicks, views, and attention.

i was called a liar. i was re-traumatized. my rapist was protected by their inability to properly interview 8 other sources or even properly quote me without putting a "spin" on it
ignoring what they have done in the past causes harm to those that where very viscerally put in danger because of their reporting.
they are part of the systemic problem here.
**they should be challenged and held accountable.**
how can anyone say that they care about this if you're willing to ignore the fact that kotaku nearly killed two survivors for the sake of their rape story?
how are we not people here?
how was that ok to do?
why is it ok to ignore that?
we matter. our abuser does not matter. do not let our abuser benefit from reporting on the harm they have contributed to.
we deserve accountability.
we deserve an apology from them.
this is what i want. i do not only speak for myself.
i'm sorry but i don't know how much longer i can keep this up... just any of it anymore. this is really life sucking. it's like i'm not even a person.
my story mattered. you NEED to understand that they protected a very dangerous person in interest of sensationalizing my rape.
words do not describe how dehumanizing that is. everything from the repercussion of harassment to just knowing that they could have done justice to this story... and then seeing people pat them on the back for "doing good" when there are OTHERS that they have done the same too...
please care. i'm begging.
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