Christianity may be a core asset of white imperialism, but the actual culture of the imperial US is nihilism. I used to think I was a nihilist, but I realize I've just been disenfranchised and kept from exploration because of the culture of the West.
For most of my life, I've only really had exposure to a horribly appropriated Abrahamic religion and the Satanic Panic's idea of witchcraft. When I moved to Pittsburgh, I lived with a Very Jewish family for 2 years, and that opened my eyes a bit to how much I'm missing.
The different family dynamics, the priorities, the celebrations, the backgrounds and heritage of these folks. This was a friend from back home but I'd never spent time around his family till moving out. It was a culture shock, but it was so beautiful.
I learned so much from that alone. Of course you'll not have much knowledge of anything that you don't expose yourself to, but it surprises me how much I didn't know about Judaism vs how familiar I was with Christianity before my stint with it in middle school.
Later, I made a Muslim friend and through them learned that basically everything you've ever been told about Islam is entirely a lie. Women are equals, peace is a core tenant, jihad is not "killing for God", etc.
Christianity became a tool of white imperialism because it is the Abrahamic religion which most condones violence, slavery, inequality, and spreading endlessly. The New Testament rescinded see bits of the wrathful God of the Old Testament, but those bits are discarded.
We've seen this sort of religious weaponization with terrorist cells like ISIS, and used as an imperialist tool to justify Israel's genocide of Palestinians. But nothing has come close to the extreme implementation of imperial Christianity globally, and especially in the US.
Christianity preaches that anyone who has no knowledge of the One True God will be spares eternal damnation. With such a clause, why then would it be necessary to spread and preach to the indigenous people you find?
It's because it was NEVER about saving souls, it was about land.
It has ALWAYS been about land. Christians do not worship the God of heaven, they worship control, dominance, power, wealth. They preach against hedonism but are themselves the most selfish and gluttonous people on the planet. Their desires are above those of anyone else.
Jesus explicitly preached equity, disattachment from wealth, compassion, and caring. Christianity has entirely thrown out the ethos on which it was established. The few who do practice it as such would hardly be recognized as Christians if they entered a modern church.
Christianity has so effectively destroyed so much. It was a tool of genocide when arriving in what is now contemporarily known as the US and Mexico. It was what justified white slave owners. It's been a major component in denying rights and liberties to the queer community.
Christianity is the reason I'm here in the US, inadvertently perpetuating it's colonial history, rather than in the homeland of my ancestors whose symbology and beliefs have conversely been appropriated by white nationalism.
Christianity is the reason I was self-loathing as a teen, discovering my sexuality, denying my identity. It's the reason my search for divinity has felt so empty, after seeing how perverse a religion can become.
I want to be pantheist. I want to see beauty in death. I want to embrace the loss of agency to nature. I want to believe my energy goes on.
But I have very few outlets for learning such in the US.
Christianity turned me into a nihilist because Christianity is nihilism.
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