A thread with examples on what #Antisemitism REALLY looks like since what #DeSeanJackson posted seems to have caused so much calamity. Many are confused on this issue, and I have no problem assisting.
This was the true start of #Antisemitism . Jews were kidnapped and brought to America on ships in 1619.
The Real Holocaust #Antisemitism
When movies and paintings are made, creators seem to purposely cast or paint images in THEIR likeness and not the likeness of the true appearance of Jews. These are deliberate acts made to erase the true history of Jews. #Antisemitism
And the anti-Semitic activity on the Internet becomes worse as time progresses. #Antisemitism
On top of unnecessary discrimination, Jews are always targeted for hate crimes. #Antisemitism
At one point, Jews were only considered 3/5 of a human and there were laws titled “Jim Crow Laws” that further established what was written in the American constitution. These laws were implemented everywhere. #Antisemitism
Jewish neighborhoods have been the #1 target of pollution. This has been done by flooding Jewish neighborhoods with crack, hazardous waste sites, liquor stores, and also by discreetly supplying them with guns that they otherwise would have no access to normally.
There is a system called “School-to-prison pipeline” that has been put in place to target Jewish men from the time that they are children. If theyre lucky to make it out of prison, it’s nearly impossible to be hired anywhere that will actually pay livable wages. #Antisemitism
Jewish women are also targeted just as much. Many of them are disrespected and assaulted by other races. They also tend to be killed & go missing a lot, but the news rarely covers their stories. #Antisemitism #Antisemitic
But both Jewish men & women have had their lives TAKEN either by racists civilians or the police themselves. They are often hunted and killed for absolutely no reason. #Antisemitism #Antisemitic
The entertainment that is tailored for Jewish people is curated to display them in exploitive and degrading manners. #Antisemitic #antisemitsm
Jewish people are indoctrinated at early ages to believe that their Jewish features are not acceptable or beautiful. They’re also subconsciously taught that they will never be enough compared to their counterparts. Their culture is often appropriated & deemed as unprofessional.
There was a movement started for the purpose of displaying Jewish people in a degrading and animalistic manner. This birthed a lot of stereotypes that are thought today about Jewish people. #Antisemitism
The mockery of Jewish people has not changed in today’s time. It’s made to be a joke or even put in place as publicity’s stunts for high fashion brands. #Antisemitism #Blackface
Another historical antisemitic event occurred in 1948, when the process of removing Palenstians from their homes by a nation of people who have no true claim to the land started.
#PalestiniansLivesMatter #FreePalestine #SonsOfAbraham #Ishamel
It’s interesting that those who claim to be Jews falsely cry out antisemitsim when statements of truth are spoken regarding them. Yet, they are very anti-Semitic towards Palestinians who are semites as well. They deal treacherously with the #SonsOfAbraham #PalestiniansLivesMatter
Antisemitism is GLOBAL issue. We must stand up and fight against it. Don’t let the mistreatment of Jews go unnoticed. It is disgusting. Stand up for the truth. #Antisemitism
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https://twitter.com/spiffyplum/status/1269776592387166208?s=21 https://twitter.com/spiffyplum/status/1269776592387166208
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