against my bettr judgement, on @TMOWilkinson’s nudging, my 10 most hated buildings, No1 is St George’s Wharf &Tower, it embodies so much that went wrong from 2000 on in London, anti urban, mean, coveting its views &space, blocking out the rest of the city, shit quality &expensive
No2, Via 57 West by Bjarke Ingels. I went there genuinely wanting 2 like it, got a tour, and was in full-blown panicky fight-or-flight by the time we completed the circuit of nightmarish internal spaces. These are the sexiest pics i could take of it for my Igram, before i went in
No3, Bank/Monument Tube Station. A claustrophobic, crowded, constantly diverted and redirected, collapsing, endlessly involuted and confusing labyrinth that I assume only exists as some kind of payback to all the bankers who use it for the money they make, & who...
I assume occasionally disappear into it never to come out again... like karma’s kafkaesque infrastructural maw.
No4, the complete devastation reaped by Norman Foster on Spitalfields...
No5, Haussman’s boulevard’s & Cerda’s Eixample, sorry, great monuments in the one, & individual buildings in the other, but the rigidity...
No6, when Sanaa are good they are incredible, but this is the worst cultural building I have ever had the displeasure of unfortunately entering
No7, the new Tottenham Court station, paragon of the new london banal for which they smashed up my favourite parts of Paolozzi’s masterpiece, & which basically signposted the death of Soho
No8, Covent Garden, or rather the transformation of a once rich, mixed area into a single, vast, sanitized & uncannily undead outdoor shopping mall owned by one huge corporation. Sadly Soho is 50% of the way to a similar state
No9, The Palace of Versailles. Total unvarnished and unchecked power run amock. I imagine I might dislike El Escorial as much...
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