A Thread: America's teachers have a lot of questions regarding the push to reopen schools. Take our questions seriously, and do not try to shame to guilt us into compliance. Know that we WANT to be back in our classrooms with our students, but do not expect us to be martyrs. 1/20
Desks 6 ft apart (in some states 3 ft...what?!?) Many classrooms do not have desks, but have 5-6 tables where students sit shoulder to shoulder. How are we supposed to spread students out? Is someone buying desks? With what money? Schools are facing budget cuts & layoffs. 2/20
Students cannot share materials. Most of the materials in classrooms have been purchased BY teachers. If students cannot share, and students need their own personal sets of materials, who is purchasing these supplies? (again... with slashed budgets) 3/20
Teachers have to beg for donations of Clorox wipes and tissues from their families and friends to support cold/flu season. Who is providing ALL of the new disinfectant materials for classrooms? Are teachers expected to do the cleaning? Will they receive hazard pay? 4/20
Who is paying for masks and required PPE for teachers? Who is ensuring that these remain stocked? Will students be provided masks? What if they come to school without one, or refuse to wear one? What about our youngest students who can't put them on themselves? 5/20
We are laying off staff, but are in need of more teachers to comply with smaller class sizes. Our classrooms are currently filled to the brim & teachers are working out of modified closets. How are we paying for space & funds for these additional classrooms and teachers? 6/20
School buildings have been deteriorating for years. Many classrooms do not have AC or windows that open (if they have windows at all). How are we ensuring proper air ventilation in these spaces. 7/20
Why are teachers being left out of conversations? Why were questionnaires sent to families & not teachers? Why are people making the decisions not asking teachers if those decisions are actually feasible in a classroom setting? Why are we not at the table? 8/20
Also, why are school boards meeting virtually to discuss opening schools in person? 🧐 9/20
If families are given a choice between remote vs. in person learning, will teachers? Will immunocompromised teachers get priority? What about those caring for immunocompromised or elderly family at home? Will teachers be forced to choose between their jobs and their lives? 10/10
If teachers are forced to quarantine, will that come out of their sick pay? What if they have to quarantine multiple times? Many have 10 days or less of sick time (especially new teachers). What if we just have a cold (schools are germ factories). Can we not come to work? 11/20
If we run out of sick days, will we stop getting paid? What if we have to care for a sick family member? What if our own child's school closes or they have to be quarantined, and we have to stay home? Will we lose our health insurance while being sick? 12/20
If we are burning through sick days, where are we getting subs? There have been sub shortages for years, most include retired teachers who are at risk. What happens when we are inevitably "out of teachers". How are expected to keep up with 2 weeks of sub plans at a time? 13/20
Students are hopefully not being penalized for attendance. Will teachers? Will teachers continue to be evaluated this year? Will teacher "efficiency" be linked to state tests that are holding students to arbitrary grade level expectations they cannot meet right now? 14/20
If we are in the classroom full time, how are we expected to console a crying child from 6 feet away? What if our students can't tie their shoes or button their pants? What about when students fall and get hurt? How do we help them from 6 feet away? 15/20
If cohorts have to be kept together to limit interactions, how are students receiving required services? Are those teachers coming into classrooms (contaminating each room) or are students leaving the classroom, going against "least restrictive environment" requirements 16/20
If we move to a hybrid model, how will teachers be expected to teach full time in the classroom AND plan for remote learning. We cannot be in two places at the same time. If we are 1week on/1 week off, what happens if our own children have different schedules? 17/20
If we move to any form of remote learning, how will we ensure equitable access for our students? What plans will be put in place to focus on the emotional wellbeing of our students? How will we support our most vulnerable populations in the process? 18/20
Why are people using the "children are less likely to spread the virus" as a backbone of arguments, dismissing the fact that hundreds of adults ALSO work in schools? Why are teachers and school staff being discussed as if they are expendable? Why is nobody listening? 19/20
Teachers: be asking these questions. Non-teachers: be asking these questions. There is no GOOD solution here, but forcing people into an unsafe workplace and ask them to continuously do more with less is NOT okay. 20/20
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