You know what‘s so wild to me? The current leftist climate is one that is so careful to assess who has the least privilege and assign deference/priority accordingly. For example, white ppl are told to listen/not talk over the experiences of POC, (1/?)
- abled ppl are told to listen/not talk over disabled folks. all of which I think is good & I agree w. however, when it comes to women & transwomen, women are told to shut our c*nt mouths & do whatever transwomen want us to do without questions or else you’re transphobic (2/?)
You would think that the fact that women have been oppressed/subjugated throughout all time and across all cultures would mean more to them. You would think the fact that we have lived our entire lives as women while transwomen have not would mean more to them. (3/?)
You would think that transwomen would say “hey, while we consider ourselves to be women, we know that we’ve benefitted from male privilege and contributed to the subjugation of women, so we aren’t the experts on the political/social experience of women.” (4/?)
you would think, then, that they would defer to women, listen to women, elevate our experiences and ask how they could help. you’d think they’d be sensitive to the fact that many women have been sexually assaulted & work with us to protect our sex-segregated spaces. (5/?)
you would think that they would understand that while they believe themselves to be women, they still have a male body and thus would make some women/girls feel unsafe and respect that instead of calling abused women bigots & often telling those women to fellate them. (6/?)
instead, our society celebrates it when white men in dresses tell black women to shut the fuck up & cater to them. our society completely dismisses the concerns of women & instead demands that we accept biological men w fetishes as one of our own. (7/?)
how does this make sense? why is it okay for men to lecture women on feminism & demand that we include & center men instead of actual women? why is it okay for men to demand that we give up our sex-based protections to protect the feelings of deluded men? (8/?)
why are women like @jk_rowling blamed for male violence? why do people demand that she be silenced instead of demanding that men stop their violence against other men who don’t fit the harmful stereotype of masculinity? why has society gone seemingly backwards? (9/?)
when Rowling brings up how homophobia drives some transitions, instead of screaming at her to stfu, wouldn’t it make more sense for them to say “this is a real problem & we need to work to deconstruct gender roles/homophobia so these ppl aren’t forced to transition”? (10/?)
when Rowling brings up the fact that women need our private spaces, wouldn’t it make more sense to say “yes they do, and we as transwomen should advocate for our own third space so that women feel comfortable & we are safe from male violence”? (11/?)
the obvious answer is yes, it would make more sense & accommodates everyone involved. so why isn’t that happening? bc it’s now obvious that the political trans movement intentionally wants to infringe on women’s sex based rights/protections. (12/?)
they are not content with just ensuring their own safety and freedoms. they actively want to invade women’s spaces and blur the line between transwomen and women so that women are forced to accept these intrusions/injustices without resistance or else we’re bigots. (13/?)
If the solution for my safety/equality ever required a vulnerable group of historically/currently oppressed people to give up their legal protections/rights and potentially exposed them to danger, I would simply find another solution. (14/?)
It’s not as if that thought has never occurred to TRAs - “TERFs” have tried to explain it, but they don’t care, either because they have ulterior motives or because the infringement of women’s rights is their actual goal. (15/?)
I would be remiss to not acknowledge that not all trans people are aware of/share these goals. However, it doesn’t matter. Regardless of whether it truly is just a small but vocal minority, those are the people whose voices are being listened to to enact political changes.(16/?)
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