Please RT. I rarely ever make callout posts, but this one’s for the sake of public safety. Some Etsy sellers are making “MESH ‘BREATHABLE’ MASKS” to parade like they’re wearing one, but these DO NOT WORK. They’ll HARM people. Report these when you see them for sale online!!!
Other places these may be sold include BigCartel, Shopify, Storenvy, and even Amazon or eBay. If you see them, REPORT THEM. MESH WILL NOT PROPERLY COVER YOUR FACE! If they sneeze or cough, aerosols and gross snot and saliva WILL get on other people! Fuck these Karens! 🙄🙄🙄
Please do something @Etsy, @EtsyHelp, @jgsilverman. These scam sellers are endangering the public.
While this is taking off, I’d like to remind everyone to STAY INDOORS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. No pool party or shopping spree is worth being hooked on a ventilator for months and suffer possible strokes and death. Nothing is worth that. Protect your loved ones by staying home.
You can follow @jupy314.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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