
@ 2:50 - Yes, the Confederacy is #Treason & the US president shouldn't support it

But #TreasonousTraitorTrump doesn't think it is a bad thing

Is it the usual #Trump destruction tactic?
May not be

@ 4:00 - When he ...


... feels threatened, he retreats

Is he?
Or #TrumpTraitor creates "optical illusion" that he retreats

Q - if #TrumpIsALoser is about retreats, why does he get away with absolutely EVERYTHING?

Since when "retreat" strategy means 100% victory?

#TraitorInChief #Resistance

@ 4:20 - #racism as a potential path for reelection

Why Wolf Blitzer asked this Q

@ 5:40 - this is not a winning strategy for #Trump

It's not?
I can't recall a single case when #TrumpTraitor strategy failed him

It wasn't always 100%
But it has never been ZERO


1. True
Destruction is the core of #Trump strategy

BUT the way it is implemented is different every time

That's why #TrumpIsATraitor has NEVER been caught & keeps shocking #people

The devil is in the details

2. Zooming attention on 1 set of ...

#RemoveTrumpNow #Resist

... his actions = misleading

#TrumpTraitor is MANIPULATOR
It is a combination of 2 or more events

Blitzer's guests were confused - #Trump tries to get to his base & didn't ask = what is behind the seemingly useless move?

#Traitor strategy ineffective?
Think again

To add⬆️

All participants are very intelligent people

Always remember - reality doesn't care what you expect to see

Expect unexpected
What you want has nothing to do with what is about to happen

Always pay attention to details
The devil is in the details

#Resistance #Truth
To add

After more than 3 years of closely monitoring the unfolding events in the US, I can say = the media & politicians underestimate the danger that #Trump poses

I don't know why they do it
But = lack of correct assessment can lead to disaster

#TrumpTraitor #racist #racism
⬆️ I want 2 share my knowledge that I gained during my incredibly experience-rich career

If it helps a few ppl 2 hv a better understanding of what is happening, the chances of avoiding inevitable catastrophe increase

#Resist #Resisters #ResistersUnite #Truth #fact #Facts #Trump
⬆️ Damn, I will never finish this thread

I didn't question major news outlets the way I did this time - I don't know what is going on behind closed doors in DC

Signs of possible MAJOR geopolitical shifts surfaced
DC details are irellevant now

#Resist #Resisters #Truth #fact
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