Fuck JK Rowling, Bari Weiss, Chomsky, Rushdie and their entire pack of rabid fucking bigots pretending that they're victims because they feel "I can't be a fucking sack of shit anymore people calling me on my bigotry are mean". Fuck you and your entire horse you rode in on.
"Good faith disagreement"

Let me say this as clearly as I can.


My life as a trans person is not a point of debate, a point of agreement or disagreement, a fun little game that a bunch of rich cisgender fucks can wank over and ultimately end at the stroke of a pen.
Nothing about this is "good faith". Fuck you people into the sun with glitter on it.
You pieces of shit have literally signed up with christian evangelicals who are anti-LGBT, anti-abortion, racist, anti-humanist hate groups who are recognised as terrorists by the ALCU and the Southern Poverty Law Centre... "good faith"... fuck you people to hell.
Also, my degrees aside and let me be clear. My being a trans person automatically makes me more of an expert than any cis person who has a thousand PHDs in the subject. That in and of itself should make you skeptical of a bunch of cisgender non-doctors holding court on this issue
Here's the Nazis at the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft believing very hard in their version of biology.

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