1/ Many educators in the State of Texas have probably already heard that prior to figuring out how to “do school” in August, a decision has been made to move forward with high stakes standardized testing at the end of the 2020-2021 school year.
2/ Efforts are underway to adjust the testing window and how to figure out student growth since no test was given this past school year (thankfully) while efforts to plan for a safe re-opening of school remain ambiguous at best.
3/ School leaders, teachers, staff, parents and students have heard about a detailed plan for remote learning, but as of today have yet to receive guidance on safely re-opening the buildings.
4/ It’s in these buildings where connections happen, where learning happens, where kids feel an emotional safety net. Ss and staff should be focused on how to make all those things happen - not on how students will be assessed after a combo of in-person or remote learning.
5/ Do not misunderstand my stance. I am pro-accountability. Without accountability, a system will drift aimlessly. But accountability has to be based in common sense, not just accountability for the sake of accountability and not accountability firmly attached to a single test.
6/ We are in the middle of an unprecedented time. Our teachers and students need to be focused on the business of learning as well as providing a space for physical and emotional safety.
7/ If the test must go forward (because it’s already paid for) then allow it to be data provided to districts for internal accountability review and growth and detach it from the high stakes system that is flawed to it’s core.
8/ School districts are being asked to be flexible and innovative. We would welcome it if our state testing and accountability system could join us in that exercise.
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