#TeamKentucky, here’s a review our #COVID19 pandemic journey from March until now.

To begin:
1)Socially Distance
2)Wear a Mask 😷
3)Clean your Hands
4)Stay Home if Sick & Get Tested

Why? Keep reading. /1
In March, NYC showed us how rapidly and dangerously #COVID19 spreads. Hospitals were overrun. As of July 7, >71,000 New Yorkers have died from COVID19 in <6 months. Kentucky flattened this first potential curve through #HealthyatHome . Graphic http://www.91-divoc.com  /2
. @UKGattonCollege demonstrated in April how #HealthyatHome kept Kentuckians safer by flattening the curve. /3
When some states rapidly lifted social distancing restrictions in May, they proved that #COVID19: a) didn’t go away, b) will surge other places like in NYC, c) isn’t taking a summer holiday. Arizona shows this. Kentucky, though, stayed stable. Graphic http://www.91-divoc.com  /4
The type & timing of restrictions varies a lot across the country, but Florida is an example of a state that lifted restrictions while their #COVID19 case counts were still increasing. If the disease isn’t sufficiently shut down, reopening fans the flames. Graphic @COVIDActNow /5
This is another graphic @COVIDActNow showing the #COVID19 transmission rate (target is <1.0 to reduce the disease spreading). Florida is again used to compare with Kentucky. Kentucky has been in a sustained plateau, keeping the disease at a slow burn. /6
This graphic from http://www.covidexitstrategy.org  on July 6 paints a dark picture. The colors change daily (even Kentucky went to red today), but story is the same. As a nation, we have to work together to control #COVID19. The disease does not respect state borders. /7
We sink or swim together – KY and nation. Everyone has choices to make. To work, school, and play w/o overwhelming hospitals and adding to national death toll (>130,000 as of today), we must… Socially distance. Wear masks. 😷 Clean our hands. Stay home if sick & get tested. /8
#TeamKentucky needs YOU. Keep yourself safe. Keep the people you love safe. Keep vulnerable people around you safe. Please:
1)Socially Distance
2)Wear a Mask 😷
3)Clean your Hands
4)Stay Home if Sick & Get Tested

#TogetherKY can keep the curve flat. /END
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