Nose bleed thread
I wanted to know what absolute darkness was so I went around turning off all the lights, but because I was 4our feet high at the time I walked right into a doorknob with my nose and it was so dark and there was so much blood
No.2 #
We had picked cat tails from the pond and piled the fluff on the trampoline to create a bouncy pit of cat tail fluff. Amidst all the chaos I was kicked in the nose with someone else’s foot and oh my god there was so much blood and it was all over the cat tails
So the cat tails were all soggy with blood and I think this was the worst of my nosebleeds in terms of the utter amount of blood their was and that’s just was it was like it was like a cows utter just pouring out milk but the milk was blood
Nomber 3.
Kicked in the face while swimming, big mess had the evacuat that erea of the pool becomes it was unsanitary
Saw some stupid fucking meme and smacked myself in the face and shit there’s blood, this was actually the most recent nosebleed and it occurred about one minute before I started this thread
Was hanging out at bible camp with the band playing with the strobe lights and everything like “go Jesus!” And then all of a sudden blood just starts pouring out of my nose like a gift from god in his very chapel that also doubles as a ducking disco? So I lean over and
And the blood just starts pooling on the ground right, and like nobody else was around me because they were all taking selfies with the Jesus band at the front, so it really gave me a lot of time to just sit and reflect as the blood pool just got bigger and bigger, over all most
Most religious nosebleed to date
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