OP reveals the story of boys admission inverview for Hanyang Cyber Uni.:
"The interview was scheduled the next day of 2018 Hongkong MAMA, where the members cried on stage a lot, so the university didn't expect them to show up, but the boys took private jet right after the show+ https://twitter.com/serikim24/status/1280404394463211520
"...and attended the interview the next morning. The Uni. was even preparing to cancel all interviews in case fans find out the fact and crowd in on them. Fortunately the members moved directly from underground parking lot to the interview venue like 007 mission..+"
"during the interview, of course the military service issue came up but they also talked about their aspiration to study media in depth!"
"Note that questions regarding military serivce are regular interview questions asked to celebrity applicants. The boys answered honestly, but they spoke more of their desire to study media with clean logic. Especially Namjoon did so."
Adding this info:
The OP used to work for the cyber university the boys joined. This story was told by her former colleagues (this info was in the first twitter post written in Korean)
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