recently I’ve been listening to a lot of debates. ( they’re good to listen to when writing angry poems ) and I’ve noticed... ( A THREAD )
often in the ways of progress, people buckle down to “preserve” things that they just don’t want to let go. For example: #vixenamoric in response to afab/ female aligned lesbians and he/him lesbians being accepted into the community, that term was created for strictly women
they say that trans women are included yet this smells fishy. A lot like TERFs. From the tweets I have been reading, it’s been brought to my attention that while they pretend to believe that enbies are valid, they really don’t understand us. cont.
while I can’t speak to the he/him lesbian experience, I can speak to nb lesbians. Nb lesbians tend to be afab and female aligned. So to the whole world ( even seasoned nbphobes ) we look like “women” and we can still identify with women struggles as we are still perceived as-
women we can’t claim the term lesbian. I understand a lot of #vixenamoric are either young, don’t understand nb, or are just trying to do terf like things but don’t want the backlash or all three. I won’t condem them too hard.
I’ve experienced “women” struggles all my life and will continue too as long as I present femininely to the world. I’ve accepted that. You’re so caught up in you’re fear of change that you don’t seem to realize that. But, don’t worry.
You can always change. You have the opportunity to educate yourself. And I believe you can. I believe you can come to respect us and our struggles just like we do you.

🤷🏽 but what do I know? I just a baby nb lesbian with a loud mouth who needed to sleep five hours ago.
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