I am upset and I need to let it out. (A thread)

"I learnt Prosper is tagging Oyin, Matilda, VirginBra and co on the giveaway that TITANS contributed"... "They are taking the glory for TITANS sweat"...
To whoever sent this to that TITAN, You know nothing and may GOD judge you!
The reason why some of the organisers of the anniversary were tagged in most tweets was for them to copy and paste the tweets on our timeline so it can reach more audience.
Do you know what that Oyin delivered the cake and gift items to TACHA outside of Lagos?
She came back to Lagos at an odd hour and was beaten by rain, had her phone and shoe spoilt. She contributed financially too.
I Matilda, took responsibility for the designs of the anniversary.
I stayed up all night churning out designs that I would have been paid for (I don't want your money), still had to follow up on people to ensure that things went well. I contributed financially too.
VirginBra was checking up on a TITAN who had COVID and at the same time ensuring that the organisers did that their job. He contributed financially too (I have mentioned these titans because of the name mentioned in this chat).
Yet you (and others) feel that we were taking glory for your sweat... WHAT SWEAT EXACTLY? A lot of things go behind the scenes to make sure that we keep things pushing and we don't get to talk about it because there's really no need to.
We all have in our ways contributed to the success of this fanbase either financially or otherwise... but why would you throw OYIN, VIRGIN BRA, I and the whole organisers under the bus because Prosper added us to his mention. It's really not fair
On a normal day, I would have ignored this but I feel this has to be addressed. Some of us go into people's DMs to poison the minds of other TITANS and this nonsense has to stop! Stop it!
You can follow @Matilda93908696.
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