Since maps of "Historic Palestine" are making a comeback yet again, a few important clarifications are needed:

1. "Historic Palestine" is exactly 100 years old. The British determined in 1920 the borders that appear in the maps the Palestinians are using today. Never before--
was there any defined territory called Palestine.

2. The borders of that supposed "Historic Palestine" were not even influenced by Arabs.

3. The southern border, between the current State of Israel and Egypt in Sinai was agreed upon between Britain and the Ottoman Empire in--
1906. Until then, the border ran between the city of Suez and the city of al-Arish, making the entire Sinai Peninsula outside of Egyptian territory.

4. The eastern border, running along the Jordan river, was determined by Britain, with the desire to create cooperation--
between the two sides of the River (what became later the Kingdom of Jordan).

5. The northern and north-eastern borders, today with Lebanon and Syria, were determined by Britain and France, between their respective Mandate territories.

6. The conclusion is that "Palestine"--
as a concrete political entity known today is 100 years old and no more than that. Arabs had no effect on its creation or on its borders.

7. That's not to say that Arabs didn't live in the territory. But it is to say that the term "Historic Palestine" is entirely fictional.
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