BREAKING: Metropolitan Melbourne & Mitchell Shire residents to revert back to stage 3 lockdown from midnight TOMORROW.

They’ll have just 4 reasons to leave home:
🌡 Medical
🏃‍♀️ Exercise
📖 Work, education
❌Will last 6 weeks
❌Applies to principal place of residence, cannot visit holiday home
❌Applies to businesses in designated areas also
✏️ Year 11, 12 to return to school as planned Monday
✏️Prep to year 10 will have school holidays extended by a WEEK
✏️Premier says home schooling a possibility after that
CLOSED services:
- Community sport
- indoor sport
- food courts
- arenas
- casinos + gaming
- brothels and strip clubs
- holiday accom + camping
- beauty
- gyms
- pools
- cinemas
- theatres
- play centres / playgrounds
- saunas + baths
- galleries
- museums
- zoos
But the following are ALLOWED:
💋 Visiting romantic partners
⚰️ Funerals, 10 ppl
👰🏻 Weddings, 5 ppl
📚 Grade 10 doing VCE can return on Monday to school
📚There’ll be holiday programs for kids of essential workers
📚Special schools can also go back as planned for term 3 on Monday @7NewsMelbourne
These are the 31 local government areas affected: @7NewsMelbourne
CHO “Its painful to have to say this, it’s painful to have to go through this... What I do not want to see are anymore deaths than are already predicted” @7NewsMelbourne
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