Idk why people keep saying John Hurt is so hard to get when I can do it in like a minute flat by spamming the keyboard
Anyway, this is where that particular game ended. Not my best, but Tennant is VERY straightforward to get with the right strategy!
Basically, your goal should be to build to the highest possible value in the corner, with ascending lower values filling the associated row. I like to go top to bottom and left to right, but any will work.
Naturally, emergencies will happen. For example, a Hartnell in the corner you're building in. In that case, you want to focus on building that Hartnell up until you have the highest value in the corner again. So I'd focus on down and rightward motions.
Remember: DON'T swipe any way that will block your corner off until you get another tile to build it up. If you do, you'll be screwed.

I hit down repeatedly until another Hartnell tile spawned in the right line to make it a Troughton, rather than cover it with the Tom Baker.
In practice, it's basically the same strategy of moving down and right as it otherwise would be, just with you focusing on the next to bottom row instead of the bottom one.

Eventually, you should get the tile you need to merge the corner again!
You should never swipe up if you're building in the bottom row. However, this is the worst case scenario: a time when you have no choice but to!

It IS manageable, but mostly, dealing with this one is luck-based.
This is the best case scenario for that situation. If the tile spawns somewhere other than the corner you're building in, you can swipe down again and get back to work as normal.

Try to clear area above the 1 tile to build it up, as well. You don't want it buried!
If it DOES spawn in the corner you've been trying to build and knocks your largest tile to another row, well, basically, you're screwed. Just try to muddle through as best you can to get it back to a corner. That might not always be possible.
There's always going to be an element of luck involved, particularly as you get to higher numbers. But with a bit of simple strategy like this, there's no reason you shouldn't be able to get Eccleston and Tennant fairly consistently!
Anyway, those are my tips to the #DoctorWho fandom for the Thirteen game, hope this thread helps. Have at it, and let's see if anyone gets Capaldi or beyond!
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