yesterday @_bebesita3 and i went to pick up los verdes on 152 at around 12am and she got off to get the food and while I’m sitting in the passenger seat some random hispanic lady (i think Cuban) starts walking around the car looking mad sus and then she comes to my window and
stares at me and knocks and when I’m like ??? and she just kept starring into the car and then kinda shrugs like saying “nvm” but then she walks away gets in her car and then parks DIRECTLY behind me when there’s a empty parking lot and then gets off her car and starts watching
my bestfriend from outside the restaurant so i hopped on the drivers seat cause i felt nervous like as if she was trying to trap us in or some shit so i start beeping for her to move her car and she kept stalling, standing outside looking at mercy. then she sees that im telling
her to move so she finally moves her car and parks it and gets back off and starts pacing around looking at mercy, at this point I’m already on the phone with her telling her to watch out cause this lady is being mad sketch and then she goes back to her car to get something (I’m
assuming her phone) and stands outside the window again, so mercy tells the employees about this lady and they agree that she looks sus and she ends up walking in and goes up to mercy and asks her if she’s some person and shows her a Facebook page of some girl and she’s like “no”
and she takes off her mask to show her that it’s not her and she was like “oh you look like her, sorry” then she walks out still looking all confused and walking around then got in her car and took off. I really don’t know what to make of any of this but she was being super
suspicious before she even saw her so idk what her knocking on my door had to do with her thinking mercy was some1 else but it was really weird & idk if she was plotting but we all had a really strong feeling that she was so be safe out there y’all cause people are fuckin WEIRDOS
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