I had extremely low expectations for Batman v. Superman and it’s somehow failing to meet them. It’s nice to see Amy Adams tho
Does Superman ever go by Kal-El?
We’re 20 minutes in and I have very little sense of what’s going on
I just shrieked “OH MY GOD!!! JEREMY IRONS IS ALFRED!!!!”
Weirdly, I like the casting! I like Ben Affleck as Batman so far! I appreciate Batman as a refrigerator sized tailgate dad going slightly to seed type
Jesse Eisenberg seems to be having fun, so at least someone is
Guys I think this movie might be...bad
I like the cable tv debating Superman thing! That’s a neat idea that could have been done well, though that’s not happening here. I also enjoy that one of the talking heads is described as “international blogger”
I like Wonder Woman’s outfits, those are nice to look at
Imagine wasting Holly Hunter’s time like this
What point are they even trying to make? They seem to really believe they have one
Kevin Costner just wandered by and stole the whole movie
So many people I’m happy to see wander into this movie and say three lines and are like “well bye!”
Is Jesse Eisenberg playing the Riddler?
Why is Lex Luthor using polaroids?
I think this movie wants to be a season of a show
How far apart are Gotham and Metropolis?
Kinda weird that Superman calls his mom Martha
There are FORTY minutes left in this thing
“Wait, what’s she doing with the damn Kryptonite now?”—my mom
“Well that’s not attractive”—my mom on Lex’s alien baby
Wonder Woman showed up and I went YAY!!!!
A lot of nice vests in this movie, you have to give it that
Do you think Superman ever swoops in when Lois is just trying to open a tricky jar
I don’t know if guys named Zack should be allowed to direct movies
In conclusion, I’m sure there are other movies that wasted so many good actors all at once, but I can’t think of any
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