cant get this out of my head so im gonna make a thread about it.
inclusionism and illusory truth; the reason so many young and impressionable lgbt kids are roped into the tucute ideology.
if you don't know what the illusory truth effect is, it's "the tendency to believe false information to be correct after repeated exposure."
in 2015, a study was conducted on this effect, and the discovery was that "familiarity can overpower rationality and that repetitively hearing that a certain fact is wrong can affect the hearer's beliefs."
this effect comes into play with inclusionists and tucutes with their constant use of the word "valid." most of the time, if it's not incoherent garbage, tucutes/inclusionists will respond with "(group) is valid!" or something along those lines.
along with this repeated validation, there tends to be a lot of buzzwords when "debating" against their opposing beliefs, such as using "transphobe" or "ableist" to refer to the person they're arguing against.
people know what transphobe, ableist, biphobe, lesphobe etc. means, so they correlate exclusionist ideals with those things because of how often tucutes/inclusionists will claim them to be as such.
people also correlate "validation" to positive feelings, which in turn makes people correlate tucutes/inclusionists ideals with positivity and acceptance. and while many will probably try to argue that's exactly what inclusion is, it isn't.
inclusionist and tucute ideals are harmful to the lgbt community. claiming you do not need dysphoria to be trans makes people think being trans is a choice. claiming pronouns don't equal gender makes people think it's okay to missgender a trans person.
attempting to de-medicalize being transgender will make it harder for trans people to get their insurance to cover their transition fees.
there are plenty of smaller/less focused on inclusionist ideals, but these are the most common and the most harmful.
none of this is positive. this is bad. but because people are correlating inclusitivity to positivity, people are blindly following and supporting their movement.
i know it's hard to un-learn the correlation of inclusion to positivity. i had to do it. it took me years of re-learning the actual science behind being trans, the damage inclusiveness causes, and the effects it has on the world's opinion of us to finally understand.
im sorry if this thread seemed messy or had any misinformation in it, but i'm still struggling to not correlate my exclusionist ideals to negativity, and i don't want young questioning lgbt kids to fall into the same hole i did.
my source for the illusory truth effect:
i know it's a wikipedia article, but it's better than some random carrd.
please feel free to correct me on anything, as im still learning :)
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