I was put in the "bad kids program" in 8th grade. For 100+ days.

B/c I refused to listen to my peers read Lord of The Flies aloud.

I read it already, in elem school. It's actually one of my fav books.

So I put my head down.

Teacher didn't like that. Told me to sit up.

1/10 https://twitter.com/ParissAthena/status/1279816135245017088
"I can't bare to listen to my favorite book like this, and I'm tired. So give me a zero for today, or give me the test or assignment or whatever so I can do it and get it over with."

Kicked out.

I cursed, slammed the door on my way out.

20-day in-school suspension.

I was shaking, tears streaming down my face when they told me. The first time I'd even been in trouble at this new school! I just moved here, hadn't done a thing out of turn.

20 days. No warning. Because I wanted to put my head down.

Asked to leave so I didn't miss my bus 3/10
Allowed to leave, I went to my locker, and thinking I was alone I punched my locker.

I opened it up and got my stuff and ran to catch my bus.

The next morning I was called in to the dean's office again.

They told me I was to go to the 45-day program instead.

I thought there was a mistake, because that wasn't what they told me yesterday.

The dean said she'd followed me back to the locker, scared I was going to hurt my teacher... And saw me punch the locker...

She also heard my name a lot on campus, considered me a leader to my peers... And so had to make an example out of me.

Told me this phrase, exactly.

That 45-day program turned into 100 days... If they wanted a bad kid I would show them a bad kid.

I was angry.

It took a thoughtful teacher to reach me, and she did so by challenging me, not patronizing me. She saw my writing skills, my love for reading, heard the story of why I was there, and told me she didn't buy my bad kid persona.

She said I was great and she loved me anyway.

She got me reintegrated in regular classes by the book, which I hated. But she told me which class I could earn back first: English. Honors.

My motivation skyrocketed.

I earned a seat back with the same teacher who kicked me out. Now in honors. And she apologized to me.

It was all just in time for me to NOT have to take remedial classes in high school.

But, damn y'all... Looking back now, how could these adults think this way about a child? A child so hungry to learn and share and be goofy.

I didn't get big until 10th grade.

This moment nearly ruined my life.

All over something that, as a parent of teenagers myself now, I feel like was a monumental overreaction.

I did myself no favors acting out, but I'm not sure being submissive there would've helped my character either.

It just hurt.

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