Alright peeps, get ready for evidence #394 that @BYUMaxwell is a disgrace to the Latter-day Saints.
Brian Hauglid, a “visiting fellow” at the Institute and former editor of the Journal of Book of Mormon Studies (2014-2017), was recently interviewed on Radio Free Mormon, a podcast with a primarily apostate/critical view of the Church. Hauglid recently (as of July 1) retired from
In this interview, Hauglid details his career with Church scholarship, FARMS (old, better Maxwell Institute), and BYU. He then discusses his current views of the Book of Abraham and the scholarship produced to date about its origins.
Hauglid effectively did a 3-hr character assasination of all faithful BoA scholars—saying they are all dishonest about the origins of the BoA. Furthermore, he claims that the BoA is a 19th century production, that the critics of the BoA have been right all along,
that the Book of Mormon is not historical, that he has stepped away from the Church in most respects, that he disagrees with the Church on social issues, that he believes the Church to be mostly man-made, and that the Church should do more with its money in helping out
with humanitarian efforts. Hauglid insinuates that he has held these views for the latter third of his career, which is about 7 years (2013). Again, he was employed by BYU in 1999.
He was the editor of the Journal of Book of Mormon studies from 2014 to 2017. In late 2018 he publicly called the scholarship of faithful BoA scholars “abhorrent” and publicly agreed with the claims of Church critics over the origins of the BoA.
This is a man who was employed by the Church, whose job was secured in part by tithing dollars, who has held these views for a long time, and yet during approximately a third of his career, mostly at the Maxwell Institute, he secretly believed that the Church was a sham.
He is now collecting pension from the institution he didn’t really believe in and criticizing them publicly using the same old, tired arguments made by ExMo dolts on Reddit against faithful scholars. Now that he is free from BYU, the first thing he does is run to an
apostate podcast to spout his nonsense. Most claims he makes against old apologetics can easily be refuted.
This goes to show that the Maxwell Institute cannot be trusted. At the very least, they ignored the many times they have been publicly and privately criticized over these types of events that tipped the informed off about what Hauglid actually felt regarding the Church and the
BoA and told to be suspicious of Hauglid and they weren’t. At the very worst, they knew Hauglid held these views for years and did absolutely nothing about it. This next part mostly to Hauglid but in part to the MI: you are a disgrace to Latter-day Saints, your former students,
and anyone who trusts you to uphold and defend the kingdom of God. You have violated our trust through the most pernicious and betraying behavior. May God have mercy on your soul(s).
Hauglid claims that the Church should do more to help poor people when he collected his own salary from them for 21 years and for approx. 7 as a closet non-believer. Who is dishonest and unethical about money now?
You can follow @h_cowdery.
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