Missouri law and Florissant municipal ordinance say an unlawful assembly requires an agreement to use force or violence. Standing outside the spot the cops want you isn’t enough. But cops threaten this *all the time.* https://twitter.com/HushedGalaxy/status/1280308545985155072
As a reminder, Missouri’s unlawful assembly laws were developed to prevent enslaved people from meeting to plan their liberation.
More on the history of unlawful assembly laws in this thread. It may be someone else has researched this in a methodical way. I just do when I’m curious. https://twitter.com/sangredulce1/status/1290460098184261633?s=21 https://twitter.com/sangredulce1/status/1290460098184261633
This is one scholar’s version of the early American history. It’s wrong. It ignores that these laws were enacted much earlier to prevent enslaved people from gathering to plan their liberation. https://www.uclalawreview.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Inazu-64-1.pdf
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