If you are non-Native, it is 100% not okay to comment on the degree of someone’s Indigineity.
There’s a long history of discrediting Native identities in order to steal from and oppress Natives, especially those mixed with Black.
Your comments contribute to genocide.
Here is a rough ass explanation of why because I’m tired of educating people right now, but I still really want to talk about this.
What was wanted most (and still is) are Native lands & resources. They couldn’t enslave us all, so they tried to kill us all, and when they couldn’t kill us, they tried displacing us to other lands. But they ended up wanting those lands too. So the progressives proposed allotment
And yes I said progressives. Allotment was a “progressive/liberal” policy.

Allotment was the practice of dividing plots of land and allotting them to nuclear Native families to break up our cultures of communal living.
The purpise of breaking our communal cultures was to force us to accept capitalism and ideas of private land ownership. If we were to accept these, then we would engage in the real estate market and the lands would be open for settlers to purchase. Natives would be out of the way
With allotment, they needed to take a census of Natives first. This is where the opposite of the “one drop rule” began. In order to allot fewer plots of lands to Natives, they needed to record fewer Natives. How do you do that without literally killing us? Discredit us.
Lower our blood quantum so that we’re not “actually Native.” Mixed Natives were targeted, particularly Black Natives. The paper bag rule was used and Natives were heavily judged based on their phenotype (their features) rather than their family tree.
Siblings would be recorded with different blood quantums, and many Native people were not counted as Native at all (this especially affected Black Natives).
These Natives were often ousted from their tribes, becoming unenrolled, displaced, and losing their rights as Natives.
Treaties are the supreme law of the land, older than the US government, and are often the way that lands were ceded and you are living where you are right now.
The US has broken several treaties, and still works hard to discredit these treaties To. This. Very. Day.
Lands were exchanged for rights. Education. Health care. Rights to resources. Tribal ownership of lands.
Much of these rights are obtained through tribal enrollment and/or blood quantum. Sadly, many Natives do not have access to their rights for these reasons.
Many recognized tribes have been terminated or are at risk of termination because the US works to discredit their indigeneity.
Jurisdiction over land and law is constantly argued from Natives, taking our powers to regulate resources and prosecute offenders. #MMIW
This is ironic as most of those in the justice system, including the United States Supreme Court, dont know shit about treaties or “Indian Law.” Including y’all’s fave RBG.
Natives mixed with Black experience the most discrimination to this day. Constantly discredited, even by our own.

There *is* an issue with pretendians, mostly among white people who believe blood myths or are tryna make themselves more spicy.
BUT- that is NOT an invitation for
non-Natives to comment on “how Native” an Indigenous person is.

If you’ve gotten this far, then you should understand that it would be more than just offensive, it’s literally violently racist and quite frankly, is active participation in colonization and white supremacy.
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