In this thread in non chronological order are fragments of the comic I'm working on called "Marchenoir and the Genealogy of Crime"
It's a comic about a superheroine chasing a bad guy through a simulation of the "criminal mind" built in like an alternate history 1940s
Now would be a perfect time for tumblr to work because I could put big images of this up on tumblr if A) they didn't trigger the anti-nudity algorithm B) people still looked at tumblr
I've been working on this for a few years, it's the first long form comic I've made that has words in it
I've blanked out the words in these fragments to keep the surprise for when you finally read it
I'm trying to come up for a new name for whatever genre this book is
Whatever genre this comic is it's definitely "(something)punk"
This comic is a genre called 〇〇punk
Mainly the main character is moving through dreams, institutional dreams, dreams that machines are having, dreams that forgotten gods are having, all of the above
And that's that, I'll update when I have more
in the meantime, you can buy my book called the Marchenoir Library, which is where this character and story basically came from
and you can scroll through that thread and see posters for that book thanks
You can follow @atothe_d.
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