A board member of one of @TCNJ 's felt "threatened" by a black student who posted on their ig story basically calling her out for posting trump stuff in the midst of George Floyd's death and the beginning of the riots/protests. This board member then CALLED CAMPUS POLICE.
The black student used VERY COMMON AAVE, saying "someone come get her or I will." Of course her white privilege saw past that and decided to still call campus police....while black people are in PAIN and SICK OF POLICE BRUTALITY!!!!!!!!
A BIPOC board member of the sister organization of this org called for the white board member's impeachment. We had all the necessary meetings and a forum (in which we asked the white board member is she thought that what she did was wrong and she said "no").
After voting and waiting turns out a member or an outside student contacted @TCNJ_Students , which basically "forced" them to be involved. After meeting with the president of the organization (w/o including the BIPOC member that called for the impeachment) we get an email today..
Saying that we can't impeach her, because we weren't following the constitution. My b!!! Didn't know not being racist had to be in our fucking constitution. Organizations at this school are not given direction with this...which shows how they feel.
Now, this white board member TOLD US that TCNJ's president (President Katherine Foster) KNEW about this situation. The college's own president knew about the white girl calling campus police on a black student and did nothing. not only that, but the campus police ...
...did NOT ask for the black student's side of the story. Just called, gave a warning, and ended the call. TCNJ recently took away the acceptance of two freshmen for a racist statement, but they can't let an org impeach a board member for CALLING CAMPUS POLICE ON A BLACK STUDENT?
Make. It. Make. SENSE. PEOPLE. This organization is still stuck with this board member because she refuses to give up her spot on board. It's disgusting. I would not be surprised if her parents threatened the school with a lawsuit.
Twitter, I need you to do your goddamn thing.
TCNJ President Foster number: 609.771.2101
TCNJ Heather M. Fehn, chief of staff email: [email protected]
TCNJ students have been creating accounts for students to anonymously come out and share their stories towards being a BIPOC student, a womxn at the school, a student with a disability, or and LGBTQ+ student.....and of COURSE someone had to make THIS.
#BlackLivesMatter #BLMMOVEMENT #BLM Please spread this!!! we need outsiders to start contacting TCNJ!!!
You can follow @Monica_Alv98.
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